Energia, Sviluppo e Innovazione


This research report, prepared as a part of the project “REJEnerAXion - Energy for a just and green recovery deal: the role of the industrial relations in the energy sector for a resilient Europe” investigates Hungary's energy sector transformation within the framework of a just transition. 


Terzo Workshop transnazionale progetto REJEnerAXion

Si terrà a Bratislava (Slovacchia) il 19 e 20 febbraio 2024 il terzo e ultimo workshop transnazionale del progetto europeo REJEnerAXion  (Energy for a just and green recovery deal: the role of industrial relations in the energy sector for a resilient Europe), co-finanziato dall’Unione europea.

Data Evento: 
da 19 Febbraio 2024 a 20 Febbraio 2024

REJEnerAXion Project - National Report (GERMANY)

This paper is part of the project “REJEnerAXion - Energy for a just and green recovery deal: the role of the industrial relations in the energy sector for a resilient Europe”, a European Union co-funded research project (101052341/SOCPL-2021-IND-REL) aimed at analyzing and strengthening the role of innovative industrial relations structures, including social dialogue, to respond in a socially fair and balanced way to the main challenges and opportunities offered by a clean-energy transition at national and European level.


Secondo Workshop Transnazionale del progetto europeo REJEnerAXion

Si svolgerà a Roma venerdì 16 giugno il secondo workshop transnazionale sul ruolo delle Relazioni industriali nella transizione energetica, nell'ambito del progetto europeo “Energy for a just and green recovery deal: the role of the industrial relations in the energy sector for a resilient Europe”.

Data Evento: 
16 Giugno 2023
