The report aims to analyse the role of industrial relations in the energy transition in Italy. The purpose is to provide a socio-economic analysis of the industry and an overview of the transition's impacts at the socio-territorial level. The reference framework is that of the Just Transition, which allows us to observe how the negative effects of the Transition can be balanced, guaranteeing the creation of 'decent jobs' and better development conditions for the territories. The research made use of data and literature analysis and interviews with selected experts such as business organisations, trade unions, associations, institutions and scholars.

The sector is being called upon to progressively abandon fossil fuels in favour of renewable sources, in a historical and geopolitical framework troubled by the effects of the pandemic crisis and ongoing wars. Moreover, the changing geography of production and technological innovation will have significant impacts not only on the world of work, but also on local development.

Industrial relations, which are already oriented towards a participatory and anticipatory model, are called upon to manage a transition that has several dimensions, from the reorganisation of work in a decentralised manner, to protection from new risks related to safety in the workplace, to the management of the environment-labour conflict. In this complexity, the union finds itself working on several fronts, from bargaining for job protection to social and territorial bargaining for sustainable development. 

This research report is a part of the project “REJEnerAXion - Energy for a just and green recovery deal: the role of the industrial relations in the energy sector for a resilient Europe”, a European Union co-funded research project (101052341/SOCPL-2021-IND-REL).
