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Driven by decarbonisation policies, the energy transition in Europe - whose energy system is dominated by fossil fuels - is underway but needs further acceleration to match the climate targets of the EGD, Fit for 55 Package, RepowerEU and implement security plans. To this aim the systemic nature of the energy transition is to consider. The changes that occur in this economic sector

Decarbonizing energy intensive industries: what are the risks and opportunities for jobs?

L’European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) intende colmare le lacune nell'analisi dell'impatto della transizione verde sull'occupazione, nella consapevolezza che i percorsi di decarbonizzazione sono stati studiati principalmente da un punto di vista tecnologico e di politica industriale, con una minore attenzione agli effetti sociali.

Towards a just transition: coal, cars and the world of work

The role of trade unions and social dialogue is key in demonstrating the major differences between coal-based energy generation and the automobile industry.

This book presents two faces of a just transition towards a net-zero carbon economy by drawing lessons from these two carbon-intensive sectors.

The authors regard just transition not as an abstract concept, but as a real practice in real workplaces. While decarbonisation itself is a common objective, particular transitions take place in work environments that are themselves determined by the state of the capital-labour relationship, with inherent conflicts of interest, during the transition process.

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