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The green transition of the energy sector is a hot topic in France. This has led to the design of strategies and policy initiatives for several years. Globally, the objective is to support the production and consumption of fossil-free energies. The French energy system is characterised primarily by a largely decarbonised energy production on the territory. However, primary energy consumption remains dominated by fossil fuels. In the context of the green transition, France has chosen to opt for a carbon-neutral and sovereign system.

This baseline report aims to shed light, based on a desk research, on the French situation regarding the green transition of the energy sector. The aim of this overview is to grasp the impacts of the transition on employment and work and the role social dialogue and its actors play to support this transformation.

As a result, the first part of the report takes stock of the national political framework supporting the transition. The second part tries to address the main trends of evolution related to the energy transition (economic, environmental and employment trends). We then highlight main drivers and barriers to the transition identified at different levels. The last part of the report relates to the role of social dialogue and its actors in support of a socially just transition.

A short survey focused on some of the main actors of the energy transition in France, especially social partners, complemented the desk research. The results of the survey are to be found in annex of our report.

This research report is a part of the project “REJEnerAXion - Energy for a just and green recovery deal: the role of the industrial relations in the energy sector for a resilient Europe”, a European Union co-funded research project (101052341/SOCPL-2021-IND-REL).
