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This working paper, which is part of the European project REJEnerAXion, financed by the European Commission and led by FDV, analyses the processes of just energy transition in Slovakia and the role of social dialogue and labour relations in the management of this type of transitions.

Slovakia heavily relies on energy resources from Russia, but there are efforts to diversify sources, intensified by the Ukraine-Russian war started in 2022. Nuclear power dominates electricity generation, while renewables constitute only 13% of the energy mix, primarily sourced from water, solar, and biomass. Wind and geothermal energy hold untapped potential, crucial for enhancing the country's energy self-sufficiency. Mining and coal burning sector, as well as in the gas distribution industry transformation will have the strongest impact on employees. At the same time,
emerging sectors such as photovoltaics and heat pumps are facing huge labour shortages.

There are two multi-employer collective agreements in the energy sector, both stipulate requirements on employers to provide requalification if the employer has capacities to do so and oblige employer to consult with the company-level trade union measures related to employees´ qualifications. Nevertheless, more and more frequently, social partners address the energy transition at the company level, and thus the approaches are decentralised and less coordinated, often guided by the company HR policies and less consulted with trade unions. At the same time, social dialogue is missing in the emerging sectors.